Health is the greatest gift, Self-love the greatest wealth

Nourish hair follicles and promote growth with vita-e and biotin. Invest in your health and turn damaged hair into silky luxury hair.

Do It for You.

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  • Flower Extract

    All our products are free of harmful preservatives, Paraben-Free.

    Look our ingredients up here

  • Coconut Oil

    A vegetable oil rich in nutritious lipids with moisturizing and nourishing properties.

  • Biotin & Botanical

    Enriched with Vitamin B,7 which stimulates keratin production in hair. This can increase the rate of follicle growth.

  • UV Protectant

    Forms a protective layer, healing your skin and blocking the damaging effects of UV radiation from the sun.

  • Apply cream to hands

    Pump nozzle and rub conditioner in hands.

  • Comb throughout hair

    Scrunch cream throughout hair with your hands. Starting at the ends of your hair and working your way up to your scalp.

  • Wrap hair with protective covering

    Preserve curls by tucking your hair into a bonnet or protective cap of your choice. Leave it overnight or for a few hours.